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Archive for July 2011

10 million in the verge of starvation

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Africa is experiencing the worst drought in 60 years with at least 10 million people in the verge of starvation in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia.

Oxfam has risen the biggest appeal ever recorded urging for immediate help to cushion the disaster looming in the continent. The situation is not a unique one since warning s have always been issued by aid agencies.

Currently thousands have left their home in search of pasture for their cattle and water for domestic use.  Three months ago, aid agencies warned that more than eight million people were facing severe food shortages. Three months they are now warning that the figure has risen to 10 million.

It leaves a question in the air as to what will happen three months to come if the situation- which is utterly preventable- goes on like this.

Every day close to 1300 cross the Kenyan border from Somalia into the world’s biggest refugee camp, Daadab. Many of the malnourished victims who mostly comprise of children die despite receiving emergency care and food.

Rise in food prices worldwide is the main catalyst aggravating the situation. African governments did put in place strategic food reserves to cope with such emergencies. But the reserves are facing a challenge since the stocks have not been replenished due to previous years of successive drought.

In 2010 World Food Program solicited a fund of $500m to mitigate food insecurity in Somali, Ethiopia and Kenya. Only half of the fund was available from rich donor nations.

Britain has just given £38m towards making good the deficit in WFP funding.



Written by neville Misigo

July 6, 2011 at 3:04 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

Africa to set up climate fund

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African leaders are setting plans to launch a fund this year for Africa to access and manage its share of money from the global United Nations Green Climate Fund, according to U.N.

The fund which is one of the few agreements since 2009 is expected to deliver $ 100 billion per year by 2020 by the United Nations.

Officials from AU and UN say that the fund will be established and accounted for by the African Development bank since many African countries are lacking the essential infrastructure to handle their share of funds meant for climate activities.

South Africa, Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt are the only listed countries which have the capacity and technical utilities to handle the funds which make them viable to pull in the funds.

Forest conservation, renewable energy adoption, mitigation and adaptation activities will be among the main targets aimed for by the fund in poor countries bearing the brunt of climate change.

The horn of Africa is the worst affected by climate change this year having recorded the worst climate experience with millions in need of food aid. Ethiopia, Kenya, Djibouti and Northern Uganda are the worst affected.


Written by neville Misigo

July 6, 2011 at 2:16 pm

Posted in Uncategorized